Welcome to Hazelton Secondary School


Hazelton Secondary School is a grade 8 to 12 school situated on the traditional territory of the Gitxsan people. We love, honor, respect, and appreciate the diversity of all our learners, and are proud to offer a wide range of rich opportunities for our learners academic, physical, and cultural development. Our school is home to just under 375 learners that come to us from the Hazeltons’ as well as the surrounding seven Indigenous communities of Gitanyow, Gitanmaax, Gitsegukla, Gitwangak, Sik-E-Dakh, Anspayaxw, and Tse-Kya. Click here to see our >> HSS School Growth Plan (Visual) HSS School Growth Plan (Text)

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Our Learners

Learners of Hazelton Secondary stand out as artists, athletes, and caregivers. Learner art is proudly displayed in our hallways as permanent reminders of the artists that have allowed their creations to be visible for all to see. Our success as athletic teams and in individual accomplishments stretches worldwide reaching even the Olympic level. HSS learners are accepting of all people with patience and inclusion as witnessed throughout the school. As you walk the hallways you can hear the welcoming invites from learners. We hope to reignite and engage our learner’s connection to their learning, to trust in themselves while they explore the world of learning.


Support in action

  • In partnership with ISWs, teachers, and/or admin, our learners are co constructing a success plan based on individual needs with regular scheduled check ins.
  • Staff are encouraged and supported in building strong relationships with each of our learners.
  • In-service for staff has been put in place to connect them to administrative supports as well as provincial education leader, Kathy Sawchuk.
  • Leyton Schnellert, University of British Columbia professor, educational consultant, and author, is actively providing guidance to our grade 8 staff team to better connect with students while linking learning to literacy.
  • We are providing varied opportunity for our learners to nourish and build relationships with peers and to ensure their social/emotional, academic, physical, and spiritual needs are being met. We have launched “X Block” to provide support for our learners to explore opportunities giving choice and voice.
  • We are actively monitoring student attendance and having discussions with learners/ parents to help them feel safe attending class.
  • We are working towards providing programming that is culturally relevant across all curriculum.

May be an image of 7 people and people dancing