Staff in our school are eager to address your questions or concerns.  Education is shared between the home and school, and good communication is an excellent starting point for resolving an issue.

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to discuss their interests and concerns regarding their child’s education as soon as possible, directly with the person(s) responsible for their child’s progress.  It is usually best to begin with the classroom or subject teacher.

Build Understanding and a Positive Relationship with Your School

  • Support and work with your child’s teacher(s)
  • Participate in your school’s Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
  • Attend school events and activities
  • Offer to volunteer in the school / classroom
  • Support your child’s learning at home
  • Stay informed of your child’s progress in school
  • Keep up-to-date on school activities through newsletters, social media, and the school website

Resolving Issues and Concerns

  • Arrange a phone appointment or in-person meeting so that your concerns can be heard without distraction
  • Organize your thoughts before the meeting
  • Keep focused on the issue or concern you have identified.  Remember, we are all here to ensure the success of your child
  • Treat others with dignity and respect, and expect that in return
  • Thoughtfully consider and try to understand both sides of the issue
  • Work with people at each step in the process to try and address the issue or concern before proceeding to the next step.

Guidelines for Parents & Caregivers to Follow With Concerns:

  • Start with the person(s) whose action has given rise to the issue or concern.  Most concerns can be resolved at the source of the concern, and this is the place to seek a solution.
  • Should you not find satisfaction, proceed to the next step.  It is the responsibility of each person involved to clarify the problems and attempt to resolve the concerns. Concerns must be directed in the following order: first teacher(s); then principal; then school district staff.
  • Where it is evident that the parent or caregiver has not followed these steps, the school district will redirect them to the starting level.
  • If the parent or caregiver has discussed the situation with the appropriate people and remains unsatisfied with the decision, they may appeal the decision under Section 11 of the School Act and CMSD Policy 5080 – Appeal Bylaw.