the Gitxsan Language

The Gitxsan people are located inland along the Skeena River and towards the Nass River. Our traditional territory is approximately 33,000 square kilometers. Sim Algyax is spoken by the Gitxsan, the Nisga’a, and the Tsimshian.


The Gitxsan people speak Sim Algyax. The language is referred to as Gitxsanimx or Gitksenimx. Sim Algyax is the language family that is spoken amongst the people all up and down the Skeena River and in the Nass Valley. There are two main dialects in Gitxsan Sim Algyax, Geenix and Gyeets – eastern and western or upriver and downriver.

Language Resource Links:

Learn Gitsenimx: FirstVoices

Gigyeets 10 Year Sim Algyax Plan – gitanyow_language_report_2020.pdf (

Gitxsan Alphabet: Gitxsan alphabet, prounciation and language (