BC Ministry Assessments are a required for all students that are on the Graduation Dogwood Program.

About the Numeracy 10 Assessment

The Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment is a provincial assessment that assesses student proficiency in numeracy. It is a graduation requirement and students take the assessment in their Grade 10 year.

The Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment focuses on the application of mathematical concepts learned across multiple subjects from kindergarten to Grade 10. It requires  students to solve problems by using five numeracy processes (different ways of thinking and working): interpret, apply, solve, analyze and communicate. The numeracy processes are described in the pre-assessment activities and in the specifications.

Sample Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment

Online Access

Print Version


About the Literacy 10 Assessment

The Grade 10 Literacy Assessment is a provincial assessment that assesses student proficiency in literacy. It is a graduation requirement and students take the assessment in their Grade 10 year.

The Grade 10 Literacy Assessment assesses student ability to use critical thinking and analysis to make meaning from a diverse array of texts. It also assesses the ability of students to communicate their ideas. The Grade 10 Literacy Assessment is not based on a particular course, but on learning across multiple subjects, from kindergarten to Grade 10.

Sample Grade 10 Literacy Assessment

The best way to learn about the Grade 10 Literacy Assessment is to work through the online or printable sample(s) and review the scoring guide(s), student exemplars, and specifications documents below.

About the Literacy 12 Assessment

The Grade 12 Literacy Assessment is a provincial assessment that assesses student proficiency in literacy. It is a graduation requirement and completed during students’ Grade 12 year.

The Grade 12 Literacy Assessment assesses students’ ability to use critical and reflective thinking and analysis to make meaning from a diverse array of texts. It also assesses the ability of students to communicate their ideas, or those found in the texts.

The Grade 12 Literacy assessment is not based on a particular subject matter or course, but rather on learning across multiple subjects from kindergarten to Grade 12.

Sample Grade 12 Literacy Assessment

The best way to learn more about the Grade 12 Literacy Assessment is to work through the online and printable sample(s) and review the supporting materials below. These documents, and the texts, may be used for formative activities in classrooms.

BC Online Assessments Jan 2022